We left Chiclayo after another massive slice of lemon merange (sp?)..
to head on a bus to Trijullio.. the bus was not semi-cama (less pimpin) which is fine for a short trip but we stopped at every chicken shack on the way (it felt like it anyay) and had to swerve to avoid a stray horse on the trans american highway no less.. chaos.. we got to Trujillo and we desperate for a feed.. so we told the driver to take us to chifa el dragon.. chifa is peruvian for chinese joint, i found one called chifa jackie chan in chiclayo that had me busting up for at least 5 mins photo to come soon ..
well we ended up at chifa el dragon next to chifa el dragon but not the chifa el dragon we meant to go to.. lesson learnt.. never ask a taxi to take you to chifa el dragon.. apparently the most generic name for a chinese joint in peru... the night bus to Huaraz was much better but we could feel it getting colder as we climbed higher up and I greedily eyed the $7 blanket from REI that Heather was covetting and I was too cheap to fork out for in Santa Monica..
we arrived to a barage of touts for hostels, tours, taxis you name it.. made our escape to a really nice place with awesome mountan views.. it´s a really nice change being up in the mountains. We are actually enjoying the cooler weather and the air is so fresh..
The women are dressed in the traditional highland outfits which are really colourful, and we bought handmade alpaca beanies last night (yes its that cold) for 5 soles ($1.50).. as we were told today, it´s summer on the coast but winter in the highlands.. some weird weather pattern if you ask me.. then the seasons reverse.. totally bizarre.. the Cordillera Blanca (white mountains) is really really pretty from what we have seen so far.
Today we took a local "colectivo" up the eL cALLEJON DE hUAYLS, a collectivo is a local mini van that should hold 8-10 peopkle but i believe on the way home we had 18 total.. so much for personal space.. not much to see in Caraz itself but it´s surronded by mountains and the drive up the valley from Huaraz was "spectacular" (as describe in lonely planet lol). So far we don´t feel too bad from the altitude but will give it another day before we head off on our hike. There are mixed reports as to the effectiveness (i.e. scientific basis) of coca tea but we have been drinking it and it seems to help.

The women are dressed in the traditional highland outfits which are really colourful, and we bought handmade alpaca beanies last night (yes its that cold) for 5 soles ($1.50).. as we were told today, it´s summer on the coast but winter in the highlands.. some weird weather pattern if you ask me.. then the seasons reverse.. totally bizarre.. the Cordillera Blanca (white mountains) is really really pretty from what we have seen so far.

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