Heather woke me on the bus as we were almost to Pucon, I could not believe my eyes the sun was rising over Lago Villarrica, the Volcano was off in the distance and everything was so lush and green after Santiago..

Pucon is one of those towns where there are a million and 1 activities you can do.. the hike to the top of the Volcan is really pricey and only a 50/50 chance of making the crater rim (weather issues).. so we passed on that, although it is one of the main attractions.. We did go river rafting and then spent a day just lazing in the sun by the lake.. it´s been a while since we had a really nice hot sunny day and we decided to enjoy it.. although the water was absolutely freezing (I went in anyway).. There are hot springs close by and loads of hiking. The town is pretty quiet at the moment (tourist wise) which is kind of nice and mellow... the scenery is just amazing.. and our hostel has a vegetarian resturant.. so all things considered we are pretty stoked on Pucon right now.
The wine here is really cheap ($1.50 upwards) in the grocery store we have been buying Camenere and Malbec reds.. two grapes only grown in Chile and Argenitina (maybe France too not sure).. Heather is in Heaven as every other country good wine has been rather hard to find. If you need a recommendation on a Chilean red drop me an email ;)
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