Sip N Cycle in Cafayate
After the amazingnessness that is Iguazu Falls we boarded a 20+hr bus ride to Tucaman. I must confess folks it has been a while since our last loooong overnight bus ride.. leaving at 10:45AM with an arrival time of 8:30AM.. joyous! NOT!
I managed to contract a full on head, chest achy feverish cold on the busride to add to the 20hr nightmare.. a few tylenol later and some other cold/flu drugs i was feeling vaguely human.. we arrived to Tucaman and sat around sipping coffee for 6hrs until our bus to Cafayate.. a few books read later we finally boarded.. I finished Marching Powder.. one of the best books I have read in recent times.
Onto Cafayate..
we arrived at around 9pm, the sky is filled with a million stars.. we had weaved our way upwards past hills covered in cactii and with the Andes as a an ever beautiful backdrop. Arriving into the quaint little pueblo of Cafayate we were greeted by a tout that for once seemed like a nice hombre.. we followed him to an amazing hostel, TV, Kitchen, free internet.. free wine tours.. whoah! almost too good to be true after 1.5 days of travel funk that we had to wash off in the HOT showers.. at dinner we had to eat off the kids menu as it was the only vege options and a glass of wine here is cheaper than a glass of OJ.. yes i was trying to behave and recover from my illness.. while Heather dived into the local wines.
Friday.. tucked into our free breaky at the hostel followed by a short jaunt around the central plaza.. secured bikes for the day and a map of the wineries.. time to get our sip n cycle on !.. bodega uno (first winery).. muy bien! we enjoyed a few tastings, bought a bottle... discovered that due to our late start most everything was shutting up for lunch.. (as is the way in these siesta ridden countries).. what to do? hmmm..
how about sit on the balcony of our hostel, soak up the sun, drink some local vino and eat a tasty homemade lunch.. todo bien!
the afternoon consistented of biking to a few more wineries, purchasing a few more bottles of vino and then another long sit on our balcony spent contemplating how much we are diggin on Argentina about now..
I managed to contract a full on head, chest achy feverish cold on the busride to add to the 20hr nightmare.. a few tylenol later and some other cold/flu drugs i was feeling vaguely human.. we arrived to Tucaman and sat around sipping coffee for 6hrs until our bus to Cafayate.. a few books read later we finally boarded.. I finished Marching Powder.. one of the best books I have read in recent times.
Onto Cafayate..
we arrived at around 9pm, the sky is filled with a million stars.. we had weaved our way upwards past hills covered in cactii and with the Andes as a an ever beautiful backdrop. Arriving into the quaint little pueblo of Cafayate we were greeted by a tout that for once seemed like a nice hombre.. we followed him to an amazing hostel, TV, Kitchen, free internet.. free wine tours.. whoah! almost too good to be true after 1.5 days of travel funk that we had to wash off in the HOT showers.. at dinner we had to eat off the kids menu as it was the only vege options and a glass of wine here is cheaper than a glass of OJ.. yes i was trying to behave and recover from my illness.. while Heather dived into the local wines.

Argentina set on Flickr
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