Iguassu Falls! Wow, words cannot even begin to describe the immensity and power of these waterfalls. For those who do not know, these particular falls span three countries, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. We started on the Brazil side of things and we were awe struck. The Brazil side allows for this spectacular panoramic view of the entire falls from across the river...multiple levels, falling onto multiple levels and pooling together at some points to form the hardest rushing water I have ever seen. At the end there is even a catwalk where you can literally go out almost underneath the falls, and get soaked with the mist. I got some great pics of Andrew doing just that, it was literally such a rush to be so close to so much rushing water...

Then today we went to the Argentina side to see a different perspective. On this side you walk on catwalks through the jungle to come out to different view points along the falls...some with distant views of the falls, and some with "up close and personal" ones. Today we could practially touch, what we only saw from a distance yesterday. I think we were a bit more impressed yesterday though but that was probably because we had no idea what to expect. Regardless, these past few days were awesome! It has been awhile since we have done a nature oriented activity and we were lovin´it!
Now it is back on the bus for a 20 hour ride to Tucuman! Whoopie...lol :D
The title of this post is in relation to the signs we saw all over the national park.. mind you as we were eating lunch a butterfly landed on my wrist.. totally mesmerised by its apparent tameness I failed to see out of the corner of my eye a racoon run over to our table.. before you can say ¨doritos¨ the cheeky bugger had jumped up on the table to snarf up the remaining cheesy nachos chips, startled i turned to be at eye level with the critter and nearly wet myself.. thank goodness it was not yosemite and it was a racoon and not a bear.. so remember, please stay off the animals.
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM
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