Happy Austalia Day!

Also studying with us were four other students at Bio Itza...Andrew was lucky enough to find two other aussies to ring in Australia Day.
We had heard rumers around town that an Australian/Austrian/Kiwi/German lady owned a bar right outside of town. We finally solved that mystery when we stopped by after class one afternoon for a coffee and homework. She was a Kiwi who had moved to Australia...haha! Though it was the 25th in Gautemala, in Oz it was Australia Day. She sat down with us to have a chat and diveldged that she had a stash of vegimite in the back somewhere... so we made it a priority to stop back by later with the rest of our motely crew and have some beers to toast the special aussie day. After a few celebratory Gallo's, the staff surprised us with a home made vegimite pizza fresh from the oven. A fitting way for us to toast Australia day we must say!
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